Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Garden is Thriving!

We've had some storms, and the sunflowers have lost some limbs, but the garden is thriving! We're seeing more beans and pumpkins, and we're starting to see tomatoes!

The Pumpkins are moving in, but the Tomatoes are still going strong!
Someone has been eating the Sunflowers!
These are seeds from last year's Chocolate Sunflowers, cross-polinated with the Mamoths
In the center front you can see a young sunflower from last year's Mamoths
Beans! (a little dirty from the storm)
More Lettuce!
Pepperchinis! Chili Peppers!
Pumpkins attacking the Tomatoes
Pumpkin Patch!
First Pumpkin is a mutant!
Marigolds that ring the fire pit seating!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Garden is Growing!

The garden is in full swing! There won't be too much more planting after this (maybe some beans, carrots and lettuce, but that's it). Some plants are still quite young (I got a late start on the tomatoes) but others are already starting to produce! And the pumpkins have made it clear that they plan on devouring the yard this year!

The silver cages are 'wild' tomatoes that grew from what was left on the ground last year!
The Oldest The Youngest (though not the smallest)
Carrots! You can also see two tomatoes that had to get moved (the one in the orange cage is older than the one above, but got no light)
The first lettuce, all alone...
Chili Peppers!
Pumpkin Patch!
Wild Pumpkins in the Garden!
First Pumpkin! (Wild in the Garden!)